Hop Kiln - June 2015 Update

Hop Kiln II: BOSupervisors Appeal Date Not Set: Planning Commission Hearing was April 2, 2015: Hop Kiln (6050 Westside) -  Staff Report and Appeal document available.

The Commissioners had noise-related concerns given the open Design (see Design Documents) and proximity to houses on adjacent parcel. A new design for the tank storage was requested, and a sound wall required between the parking and adjacent houses.  The BZA made changes to the number of events, permitting 4 that run with the land, and requiring all outdoor events end by 5 pm.  

The BZA gave Hop Kiln food pairing rights - even though the Applicant did not ask for this right and protested that they did not have the space for the required separate tasting room.  The WCA Advisory Committee is opposed to the addition of food pairing, especially when added after environmental documents are completed.