Update Broken Hills LLC (4603 Westside)

History: On June 10, 2014, the County sent out a Referral for UPE 14 - 0031 for a phased winery, tasting room and event project  to define areas that should be studied in the environmental documents for the project.  The Applicant is defined as Avila Design, and the Owner is Broken Hill 1 LLC (Colorado) with offices in Napa County.  This was the same owner as the MacRostie winery on the adjacent parcel, on June 1, 2017 Applicant stated MacRostie parcel sold.  

The Application is for a 7,465 square foot winery building and future 1,800 square foot tasting room on a 26.20 parcel in LIA 40 zoning. If approved, a new winery will make the 4,000 block an area of detrimental concentration.  

On June 30,2014, the WCA initial study letter identified significant concerns about the project; in July 2015, the Applicant requested a meeting with the WCA Advisory Group. The Advisory Group responded with a letter dated August 21,2015 that raised the additional concern about recommending removal of vegetation in a riparian corridor, and a more complete October 15, 2015 letter, documenting that all 3 factors for a finding of Detrimental Concentration exist.  This was re-affirmed by a June 1, 2017 WCA letter based on evidence presented in the BZA Hearing Staff Report and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, with technical study Exhibits.    

Likewise, beginning in June 2014, the County Department of Transportation Memos informed the Applicant of an unresolvable constraint, "North of the driveway, sight distance is substandard and can't be improved due to road geometry" and "...close to thresholds...use measured prevailing speed."  of recent concerns include inadequate site lines to the driveway, and a traffic report that appears to recommend removal of vegetation in a riparian corridor.  If so, the Riparian Corridor Ordinance prohibits this activity.  

Refer any concerns and areas that require additional environmental studies (i.e. noise, traffic impacts, impacts to stream flowing through the property, etc.) to the Contract Planner Gary Broad at [email protected]